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Returning to Work

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Returning to Work

When Is It Right to Return to Work After a Workplace Injury?

Returning to WorkI always advise my clients that it should be their goal to get back to work as soon as possible. In fact, most of the time, the ideal result for any injured worker receiving North Carolina workers' compensation benefits is to return the same employer where the injury occurred. If you are an injured worker, your primary goal should be to seek proper medical care, focus on getting better and returning to your job. Unfortunately, employers often abuse the system and use a workers' comp absence to eliminate the position or move the injured victim to a job that doesn't match the job skills or career path.

Return to Work Issues

Issue 1

During the healing period, the doctor may opine that you can return to light work duty usually with restrictions. Often, doctors feel under pressure to rush you back to the workplace before you are ready to handle your job tasks to your full capacity. Your workers' compensation lawyer must work with your doctor to ensure you do not return under conditions that are unfavorable to you, or your employer. Rushing a return can result in additional injuries or job assignments that preclude you ever returning to your original position.

Issue 2

When your doctor opines you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) following your work-injury, that may not mean you are able to function fully. Some injuries or physical restrictions may prevent you from returning to your former position with your employer. In that situation, your employer might place you in a different type of job; one that may be unsuitable. It is your attorney's responsibility to make sure any return to work issue is correct for you in your situation and consistent with your functional capacity to perform it. As your attorney, I will make sure your needs and rights in this regard are handled appropriately.

The Right Lawyer Will Make the Difference

At the Law Offices of Jeffrey G. Scott, I provide more than two decades of experience helping injured workers file successful North Carolina workers' compensation claims. You will receive compassionate, personalized attention with a focus on results.

If you were injured on the job, get legal help with your claim. From my offices in Charlotte, I represent clients throughout the Charlotte metro region and communities throughout the State of North Carolina. Contact me by phone, fax or e-mail about your workplace injury today.

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